How to participate

Your voice matters.

When ready, begin typing to start the timer. If you complete your entry before the time elapses, the timer will not allow you to submit until it has reached zero.  At the end of your time, you may include your name if you choose and then click to share button.

 The time clock provides the count down for your writing. You cannot stop the clock; it unfolds in real-time; its purpose is to offer an insight into the fragility of breath, of life itself. Nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds may not seem like a lot of time, but from a different perspective, it was, it is…a lifetime.

The website is moderated.

By submitting your content on this website, you are granting permission and an unlimited license for the usage of your content on the website and in other written, oral, and visual media without compensation or further permission now or in the future, in perpetuity. You will be credited for your submission.

George Floyd Memorial
Photo: Regina Williams

Photo: Regina Williams